Directed by: John Poulson
Genre: Black Comedy
Group: BHTC
Staged: The Park Centre, Burgess Hill
Sister George is a famous character in a BBC radio soap opera series, a nurse who cycles about singing hymns, doing good deeds, and spreading cheer. Because of the struggle for ratings, and because there is gossip of notoriety in her personal life, the BBC decides to "kill her off" by having her involved in an accident.
The woman who comes to make the deathblow announcement is rather pleased to find that the gossip about 'Sister George's' home life is true, for here she finds the cigar smoking, gin drinking, hard cursing Sister George waited on slavishly by a female lover whom the woman proceeds to steal from her.
BHTC NOTES: In her scrap book of BHTC productions, Nancy Forsdike records this as the most favourite part she ever played.
Production Date: March 1971
Frank Marcus wrote 'The Killing of Sister George' in 1965 and it was nominated for Broadway's 1967 Tony Award as author of Best Play.
Playwrights: Frank Marcus
BHTC Production Number: 67
Nancy Forsdike
Christine Batsford
June Colledge
Barbara Chamberlain
June Buckridge
Alice 'Childie' McNaught
Mrs. Mercy Croft
Madame Xenia
Frank Oakley
Keith Jefferies
Sheila Tapner & Margaret Coveney
Peter Coveney
Inez Wedderburn
Alan Dann
Richard Doyle
Sheila Newell & Elizabet Hawker
Bernard Clayman
Neil Batsford, Joan O'Meara & Ann Fairall