Directed by: Suzi Allan
Assisted by: Gina Paul
Production Date: January 1997
Playwright: June Colledge
Genre: Pantomine
Group: BHTC
Staged: The Martlets Hall, Burgess Hill

Sleeping Beauty tells the classic tale of Princess Briar Rose, who is put under a terrible enchantment by the evil Fairy Blackthorn because she wasn't invited to the princesses christening. She tells the King and Queen that on reaching adulthood, the princess will prick her finger on a spindle and die. Although unable to reverse the spell, good fairy Goldenweb alters its effect so that instead of dying, the princess will fall fast asleep for a hundred years, until awakened by the kiss of her true love.
BHTC NOTES: Following the very sad loss of June Colledge
the previous year, daughters
Suzi & Gina bravely and
successfully took up the
reins to continue
in their mothers footsteps. T
his was recognised
in the special achievement award
from the Mid Sussex Times.

Pantomime Production Number: 32
BHTC Production Number: 189
Rick Peckham
Chris Smith
Norma Somerville
Gina Paul
Hannah Peckham
David Abbott
Jim Wilson
Graham Wood
Peter Gooding
Samantha Childs
Caroline Ridley
Pearl White
Jo White
Nicola Wood
Bekki Powell
Sarah Hall
Hannah Batten
Julia Peckham
Peter Battle
Anthony White
Doreen Cripps
Tim Rowland
Ben Preece & Cyril Evrard
Jinks the Jester
King of Boratania
Queen of Boratania
Prince Carlos I & III
Princess Briar Rose
Dame Clobberchops
Fairy Goldenweb
Fairy Thistledowny
Fairy Sunbeam
Fairy Starlight
Fairy Moonbeam
Fairy Rainbow
Bad Fairy Blackthorn
Good News
Bad News
Puddles The Dog
Dobin The Horse
Laurie Parsons
Geoff Twyman
Keith Griffiths, Bob Awcock, Geoff Twyman, David Bevan, Nigel Summers, Graham Wood, Mike Ward, Alan Herbert,
Ron Whitehead, Mark Herbert, Alex Munroe,
Jonathan Crawford-Jones & Laurie Parsons
Tim Kendell
Chris Childs, Mark Lacombe & Gavin Hatchett
Pat Griffiths
Lesley Rowland, Doreen Cripps, Doreen Oakley,
Patricia Awcock & Hilary Smith
Barbara Kinsey & Chris Twyman
Pauline Childs & Pam Skilton
David Bevan
Terry Thompsett & Jim Wilson
Rosalind Wood
Stage Manager
Set Design
Set Construction and Back Stage Crew
Technical Manager
Technical Team
Wardrobe Design
Wardrobe Team
Make-Up & Hair
Box Office & Front of House

Assistant Director and BHTC Choreographer: Gina Paul.
Assistant Choreographer: Rosalind Wood
Junior Chorus:
Francesca Battle, Carl Edwards, Elizabeth Stephens, Huw Bussell, Debbie McLean, Joseph Stephens, Shaymoly Chakraborty, Gavin Morgan & Marrie Stewart
Senior Chorus:
Kaitlin Battle, Suzanne Fanner, Kimberley Keys, Lara Przybora, Tina Brown, Claire Brocklehurst, Naomi Hall, Catherine May, Clare Spencer, Becky Churcher,
Jinanne Karkar, Charlotte Preece, Kelly Webb & Daphne Mainwaring
Choreography by: Drusilla Duffill
Assistant Choreographers: Karen Hollebon & Vikki Harris
Dancers: Dancers: Ilona Holdsworth, Rebecca Bristow, Charis Holdsworth, Emma Clark, Jennifer Owens, Tina Young, Megan Pavey, Emily Loftin, Alisa Moody,
Natalie Surry, Victoria Argent, Sally Day, Lauren Uwins & Jennifer McLean
Piano: Rita Hollebon
Drums: Derek Guildford
Bass: Graham Hollebon
Programme & Press Cuttings

Photos 1-25