Why not take part?
Join us and get involved!
Learn theatrical lighting
Learn set design
Learn costume design
Learn to Act sing and dance
Learn stage management
Building maintenance
Sound design

Construct Set
Special effects
Play an instrument

We are an active theatre group which aims to put on three plays and a pantomime each year.
We also have various social events throughout the year ranging from play readings and quiz nights to coffee mornings and BBQ's. It's a great place to meet new people and even learn some new skills. We also support town events such as the Burgess Hill Bonfire Night and Town Day and are proud to be part of the local community.
If you want to join us in acting, directing, backstage or front of house why not join us as a member. If you have an interest in theatre and performing arts please get in touch. We'd love to hear from you:
Call Membership Secretary on 01444 244214 or
get in touch via contact@burgesshilltheatreclub.com
All members are entilted to:
Newsletter of Club Activities
Purchase a Season Ticket (50% Discount)
Invitation to all Social Occasions
Priority Booking for Performances
Right to Vote on Club Activities
Free Costume Hire

Membership Type
£30 per annum
£15 per 1/2 year*
Youth Members
All Youth activities
(Age 7 and under 21)
£15 per annum
* 1/2 year membership rates are available from the 1st January until the AGM in July
Full year rates run from AGM to AGM held in July.
If you are completing either online form, please click on send at the end of the form and a member of the Theatre Club
will get back to you about fees and membership.
Membership forms - 0nline and PDF format (available for download)