Directed by: June Colledge
Production Date: January 1969
Playwright: June Colledge by arrangement with Marjorie Ristorie
Genre: Pantomine
Group: BHTC
Staged: The Park Centre, Burgess Hill

Jennie Taylor
Norma Somerville
Anthony White
Alan Dann
June Colledge
Rodney Nash
Mike Harris
Leon Figg
Douglas Kershaw
Elizabeth Batten
Marion Laughton
Joan O'Meara
David Brazier & Frank Oakley
Yvonne Lewis & Jo White
Sheila Tapner
Graham Sharples
Pam Jefferies
Christine Batsford
Pearl Pepper
Jack Trott
Dame Trott
Tommy Tucker
Simple Simon
Jumping Jenny
Sir Bertram
Sir Sidney
King Rudolf
Squire Basil
Demon Gunge
Princess Penelope
Fairy Starlight
Giant Gruffian
Daisy the Cow
The Sprite
Giant's Henchman
The Sun
The Moon
The Star
Alan Dann
Douglas Kershaw
Richard Tapner
Ron Forsdike & Paddy O'Meara
Anthony White
Graham Sharples
Marion Laughton
Sheila Tapner
Barbara Chamberlain
Nancy Forsdike
Ena Batton
John Poulson
Elizabeth Batten
Mary & John McDonnell
Assistant Producer
Stage Director
Stage Manager
Assistant Stage Managers
Set Design
Creator 'Daisy the Cow' costume
Hair Styles
Publicity & Business Manager
Creator 'Demon's Dance' Sequence
Pre-Box Office Arrangements
Adult Villagers & Giants Chorus:
Elsie Nash, Betty Dann, Christine Batsford, Pam Jefferies, Doreen Oakley, Sheila Newell, Sheila Tapner, Enid Kemp,
Anne Fairall, Audrey Wilshaw, Pearl Pepper, David Brazier, Frank Oakley & Graham Sharples
Childrens Chorus:
Anne Kemp, Diane Pepper, Kenny Somerville, Graham Somerville, Peter Dann, Sharon Oakley, Carol Oakley,
Nicolas White & Susan Newell
Gina Paul (Nee Colledge), L. O'Meara, S. Godbold, D.Pinner, R. Grant, M. Cook, B. Hudson, N. Smith, H, Waner, H. Beuzeval, L. Barnard,
A. Gordon, M. Gunston, W. Blunden, S. Cook, P. Carroll, J. Shury, J. Charman, P. Thwaites, G. O'Meara, C. Dunk, P. Cotterill & G. Smith
Piano: Alan Barker
Drums: Bernard Clayman
Life is hard for the Trott family, so Jack is sent by his mother to sell Daisy the cow at the market. Instead of this, he swops her for a bag of 'magic' beans and in disgust his mother throws them out of the window. Overnight a huge beanstalk grows and in the morning, Jack decides to climb it and reaching the top, finds a huge castle where a fierce giant lives.
Jack's adventures continue as he outwits the giant, finds Daisy and becomes fabulously rich, enabling him to marry the girl of his dreams and for them to all live happily ever after.
PLAYWRIGHT: June Colledge (Club Member). The script was adapted from June's mother's (Marjorie Ristorie's) own professional pantomimes.

Pantomime Production Number: 4
BHTC Production Number: 50

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